You Can Recognize the Crusaders – They Have Very Large Organizations!
We are talking about Character Types this week. There are 3 distinct types and yesterday I told a great story about the Director Character Type in action!
I love today’s video because I get to share a story about a good friend of mine who exemplifies the second character type which is the Crusader. The Crusader is the person who is going to change the world!
More than anyone I have ever met this guy defines the term “Crusader.” You see this type in the network marketing profession a lot. But this guy is the absolute best at it!
It is a pretty funny story and it will really make you think. I am sure you know lots of leaders in your company or past companies who are the Crusader type. Maybe you ARE the Crusader type yourself. We all are this type at one point or another. It just depends on the cause.
I hope you are really getting into these short little videos because they are important to you learning your skill so that you can make money in your business…serious money.
Check it out. Have a laugh and comment if you know someone who represents this persona.
If this video did help you, please comment and share. I would love to hear from you!
Always remember you ARE your stories!
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